February 20, 2007

Z+F Appoints Meixner International Forensic Manager

Over the past year forensics professionals have become more and more interested in 3D laser scanning. Z+F has developed a base of successful customers in this area in recent years, and sees this as a fast-growing market for the future that offers a number of international business opportunities for its IMAGER 5006 series. Jörg Meixner, who developed Z+F’s forensic business in Germany, has now been appointed International Forensic Manager focusing on international forensic applications. Involved in the laser scanning business since 1992, Meixner successfully introduced the Z+F IMAGER series to a number of police forces. He is also a member of the International Association of Forensic & Security Metrology, of which Z+F is a Technical Advisor. He will participate in the FSM 2007 conference running concurrently with SPAR 2007, March 26-27, Houston, Texas, USA. 

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