March 10, 2021

YellowScan integrates Riegl scanners, launches new UAV Lidar Solutions and Terrain Module

YellowScan fig4 DJI-M600-YellowScan-Vx-15-UAV-LiDAR-2020-scaled

The new Vx15-300 and Vx20-300 UAV lidar solutions are new additions to the Vx range, which now integrates the Riegl Mini-VUX 3 laser scanner. A new Terrain software module allows users to automatically classify grounds from off-ground, as well as export different digital elevation models.

Vx Series name changes and new Riegl Mini-VUX scanner integration

YellowScan have announced the release of two new UAV lidar solutions to its Vx product series, that both integrate the Riegl Mini-VUX 3 laser scanner, the Vx15-300 and Vx20-300. The RIEGL miniVUX-3UAV is a lightweight airborne laser scanner (1.55 kg / 3.4 lbs), designed specifically for integration with UAS/UAV/RPAS. The scanner offers a selectable 100 kHz, 200 kHz, and 300 kHz laser pulse repetition rate (PRR). With 300 kHz PRR, the sensor provides up to 100,000 measurements per second at 120° FoV and thus a dense point pattern on the ground for UAV-based applications that require the acquisition of small objects.

Following this new integration, YellowScan renamed the entire existing Vx15 and Vx20 series. The following products have been renamed: the current Vx-15 (renamed the Vx15-100), Vx-15 (renamed the Vx15-200), as well as the current Vx-20 (renamed the Vx20-100) and the Vx20+ (renamed the Vx15-200). Both the Vx15-100 and Vx20-100 integrate the miniVUX-1UAV, while the Vx15-200 and Vx20-200 integrate the miniVUX-2UAV. The name changes and Riegl scanner integration will apply for all the Vx systems sold from now on.

New Vx15-300 and Vx20-300 product launches

The YellowScan Vx15 is the lightest system integrating the Riegl miniVUX, offering a precision of 1cm and an accuracy of 5cm up to flying 100m. The total weight of the system is 2.6kg. The average point density at 50m AGL, while flying at 5m/s and with a 90° FOV with a laser pulse repetition rate of 300kHz is 150pts/sqm.

The YellowScan Vx20 is the most accurate fully integrated system from YellowScan’s product range, which can fly up to 100m while maintaining accuracy throughout the point cloud. The Vx20-300 offers a precision of 1 cm and an accuracy of 2.5 cm. The system uses the Applanix APX-20 UAV GNSS inertial solution and weighs 3.1 kg (6.8 lbs), including the battery. Typical mission parameters for the Vx20-300 system include a flight speed of 5m/s, at an altitude of 100m and a point density of 75pts/m2.

New Terrain module

The company also released a new Terrain module, that is available as an option in the CloudStation software for georeferenced point clouds generation and visualization. The new Terrain module will allow users to automatically classify grounds from off-ground, as well as export different digital elevation models. The Terrain module allows for a better and simplified experience for customers to extract classified point clouds, which leads to more efficiency and time saving: once the point cloud is generated in the CloudStation Core, the Terrain module allows users to segregate ground and off-ground points automatically.

The Terrain module offers several additional export data formats. Users can export classified LAS or digital models such as DSM (Digital Surface Model), DTM (Digital Terrain Model) and DHM (Digital Height Model) as GeoTIFF (geolocalized TIFF).


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