August 31, 2015

AIRGON LLC Granted FAA Section 333 UAS Exemption

Huntsville, AL – AirGon LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of GeoCue Group Inc., has been granted a section 333 exemption by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for its AV-900 Metric Mapping system. Under the exemption, AirGon will be permitted to conduct precision aerial mapping missions and demonstrations throughout the United States.

The AV-900 Metric Mapping Kit is a small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) developed by AirGon specifically for local area survey grade mapping. These missions support a variety of operations such as mine site volumetrics and topographic mapping. Featuring an optional Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning system, the AV-900 MMK can achieve survey grade accuracy with a minimum of ground control.

AirGon offers a Continuum™ program under which customers can partner with AirGon for the level of service desired, ranging from full mapping services provided by AirGon technicians to owner/operator models in which customers fully internalize data collection and processing. Coupled with AirGon’s Reckon cloud-based data hosting system, mapping operations from planning through data delivery are supported. For customers who intend to operate their own AV-900 MMK, AirGon offers a complete FAA 333 Exemption application program.

For information regarding AirGon services and products, contact [email protected].

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