September 10, 2014

SPAR Announces Conference Programmes for SPAR EU and ELMF


It’s that time of year again, and we here at SPAR are working hard as we approach SPAR Europe and ELMF. This year, as you might know, the two conferences require only one registration and are held under one roof, which gives you a single source for the latest geospatial technology trends–from innovations in terrestrial 3D data capture to advances in aerial LiDAR systems. Now you can get a taste for the range of sessions available to you, because we are proud to announce that programmes for both conferences are now available.

Click here for the SPAR Europe programme.

Click here for the ELMF programme.

Check the SPAR Europe programme for sessions with experts in data capture, point cloud processing and delivery, who will share best practices that you can put to use right away for using 3D technologies to improve processes, produce spot-on deliverables, and save time and money.

Check the ELMF programme for sessions on the latest advances in technology, where you can hear about industry changes and developments first-hand from industry experts. This includes information on the latest LiDAR technology to hit the market, new data fusion/classification and processing techniques and the increasing integration of key technologies, as well as case studies highlighting actual experiences and lessons learned.

Highlights include: 

  • A keynote from Peter van Bluenberg, President of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) International, who will be speaking on the current state of civil operations with UAVs. 
  • A keynote from Valentijn de Leeuw, Vice President of the ARC Advisory Group,  whose presentation is entitled “State of the Market: 3D Measurement.”
  • Ishtiaque Mahbub, IT Strategy Advisor for Shell Global Solutions International, who will present on as-is data collection and management for asset operations and maintenance. 
  • Sander Oude Elberink from the University of Twente and Jantien Stoter from Delft University of Technology who will present on the ongoing activities to automatically generate a nationwide 3D landscape model of the Netherlands. 

In addition, you can expect to find content from experts and insiders on Technology Development & Trends; BIM; Airborne, Terrestrial & Bathymetric LiDAR; 3D for Asset & Facilities Management; 3D Data Capture for As-Built Conditions; and Point Cloud Processing, among other topics.

Of course, this year, there are a number of free features as well, including

  • International Exhibition of solutions providers
  • Live Data Capture Demonstrations
  • Technical Workshops
  • Mobile Mapping Vehicles
  • Networking Events

Early bird registration is now in effect, so now’s the time to get registered. See you there!

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