November 30, 2021

Moving from BIM adoption to BIM optimization

As the AEC industry begins to see more of their return on investment from BIM, advanced use cases and strategies for increasing efficiency are more possible than ever.

This article is part of our Road to Geo Week series.
Click here to register for Geo Week in Denver, CO, February 6-8, 2022.

If the digital transformation of architecture, engineering and construction is a destination, then Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the road that the industry is paving to get there. BIM encompasses the creation and management of buildings, infrastructure and other build-world assets, and can provide a model that can be used across an assets’ entire lifecycle.

Before the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the industry discussions were focused on whether or not there was enough ROI to consider switching from traditional, siloed design and construction processes to using BIM throughout the project lifecycle. Faced with the dismal statistics from the McKinsey Report detailing waste and inefficiency in construction, there was a bit of reckoning: The industry needed to digitize its processes - and quickly.

Now, after facing challenges from everything from supply chains to figuring out how to collaborate virtually, the AEC industry has made significant progress towards digitalization and BIM adoption. 

Dodge Data & Analytics has been studying BIM in the global AEC industry since 2009. Over that time, BIM adoption has increased significantly, and, as the chart below demonstrates, it is definitely accelerating. According to a recent survey, 37% of the BIM users surveyed started using BIM during or after 2018. 

So now that BIM adoption is improving, what else can increase efficiency?

At Geo Week 2022, several sessions will tackle the next steps for BIM, bringing together experts to discuss successes and lessons learned through detailed case studies, as well as discussing best practices and bringing their expertise to in-depth panel discussions.

BIM-related sessions include:

  • Planning for the Digital Twin - where experts from ZELUS, Autodesk and more will share how they prepare for creating digital twins and BIM to optimize their outcomes.
  • Business Considerations for BIM - where attendees will learn how to look at BIM in a broader, business-focused context. 
  • Advanced BIM - where experts will showcase projects that go far beyond the typical use cases for BIM.
  • BIM Project Approaches - where the best practices for successful BIM projects will be demonstrated and discussed.
  • Asset & Facility Management - where presenters share how can BIM play a role in all parts of the building lifecycle.

As BIM adoption and use continues to evolve, the industry is learning with it. If you’re interested in learning with us at Geo Week 2022, use the link below to register or see more of the AEC-related conference sessions here.

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