May 21, 2024

BISim proudly unveils the latest iteration of Mantle

Image via BISIM

Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim) has released the latest version of Mantle, enhancing its enterprise terrain pipeline with new capabilities. Mantle solves the complexities of dynamic terrain correlation for simulation users by centralizing the storage of 3D terrain and enabling simultaneous on-demand streaming. This latest version is available for deployment on AWS and supports VBS, Unity, Unreal, and many other popular simulation runtimes.

“Mantle was developed to solve terrain problems in organizations where multiple simulation systems, game-based training tools, and web applications need to view the same high-fidelity, correlated 3D terrain,” said Pete Morrison, CPO at BISim. “Mantle is now cloud-enabled and ready to be deployed across entire enterprises.”

A significant value proposition of Mantle lies in its ability to deliver terrain quickly and at scale, effectively acting as a force multiplier for terrain teams. Mantle offers considerable cost savings and productivity gains, reducing the requirement for highly specialized capabilities by allowing developers to direct-stream geo-referenced, high-fidelity, perfectly correlated terrains. Many runtimes are supported, including game engines such as VBS, Unreal, and Unity and web applications through standard protocols like WMS.

Mantle provides an easy-to-use and browser-based user interface that:

  • Stores, manages and correlates global terrain layers
  • Imports new data from many different sources, including CDB, OpenFlight, MetaFlight, and more
  • Automates the production of simulation-ready 3D terrain
  • Automatically enhances data using server-side procedural refinement
  • Directly streams or exports correlated terrain to multiple runtime engines

Mantle's adaptability allows it to be finely tailored to the specific requirements of BISIM’s customers. This flexibility in handling various input data sources, simulation runtimes, or viewers also means that Mantle effortlessly enables the use of highly specialized data—such as that produced by companies like Blackshark and LuxCarta—within the same correlated simulation-ready terrain.

“Mantle represents another important solution developed through close collaboration with our customers to meet specific needs. BISim is excited to extend this innovative tool to a wider audience, including government and industry organizations,” said Rahul Thakkar, President at BISim. 

About Bohemia Interactive Simulations

Founded in 2001, Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim), a wholly owned subsidiary of BAE Systems, Inc., is a global software company at the forefront of simulation and training solutions for defense and civilian organizations.

Globally, many hundreds of thousands of military personnel are trained every year using BISim’s high-fidelity VBS software products. More than 60 NATO and NATO-friendly countries, and over 300 integrators/prime contractors use VBS technology, many making significant funding commitments to extend VBS product capabilities. BISim’s customers include the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, the UK MOD, Canadian Armed Forces.

Source: BISIM

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