January 17, 2025

RCN at Geo Week: Track Sessions, Podcasts, Happy Hour, and a Superb Super Bowl Party

Contributed by Reality Capture Network

Football = the built environment.

No, really (kind of). While their actual industries differ, their success requires one shared element…

Take post-game interviews of winning players. Odds are they’ll deflect attention in order to praise their teammates, coaches, or even fans.

In other words, their partners.

Optimizing the built environment isn’t just a colossal undertaking; it’s a distinctly coordinated one because it must be; as does each 11-person play on the gridiron. It’s impossible to individually manifest a better built world, which drives RCN’s partnerships.

Just like the one with Geo Week.

So welcome to the pregame analysis of Geo Week & RCN’s collaboration, which ever-fittingly, will begin with a Super Bowl party cooler than a parka-less Arctic survey.

RCN Super Bowl Party

1134 Broadway

Sunday, February 9, 3-10 PM MST

Kick off Geo Week with the ultimate kickoff, RCN-style!

Luxury meets relaxation at Denver’s renowned 1134 Broadway

Whether you’re a football aficionado, or think a touchdown means a UAV just landed, the RCN Super Bowl Party at the sleek 1134 Broadway venue will be a hall-of-fame-caliber evening.

Massive screens. Curated menus. Breathtaking rooftop views. The big game.

And even bigger networking.


RCN Happy Hour

Milk Bar

Tuesday, February 11, 6:30-10:00 PM MST

Nestled in the historic Jonas Brothers Furs Building is a Mile High City gem. A hidden world. And on Tuesday, February 11th with RCN, it becomes an underground rendezvous of tech luminaries.

Welcome to Milk Bar.

The Vintage Arcade, a Milk Bar hallmark.

Through a secret alley entrance, you’ll revel in passionate networking, relentless fun, and a splash of elegance – from the whimsical Polkadot Room and Jazz Room, to the vintage Arcade.

Each space is designed for serendipitous connections, whether you're sharing craft cocktails in the crimson-lit Red Room or reaching a flow state playing classic games. This is no standard-issue networking event; it's a stylish and stimulating one, wherein your next great idea may just be born.


RCN Track Sessions at Geo Week

The inaugural RCN Track will be a nexus of practical knowledge, connecting you with reality capture's most impactful tools, breakthroughs, and the virtuosos behind them.

Augment your workflows from elite practitioners detailing how reality capture drives efficiency, precision, savings, and safety in AEC and beyond. Here’s what awaits:

The Current State and Future of Reality Capture Technology

Khrystyna Bezborodova, Trimble

Lisa Patterson, NavVis GmbH

Exploring the Ecosystem of Reality Capture & Digital Twins

Scott McClure, Image Matters LLC

Daniel Kruimel, Woolpert

Michel Besner, Prevu3D

Data-Driven Solutions: Cutting Costs, Managing Virtual-Field Discrepancies, and Transforming Government Asset Management

Usamah Hayes, CSM Group

Robert Chavez, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

Russell Hall, Langan

Unlocking the Power of Digital Twins: Precision, Predictive Insights, and Practical Applications

Scott McClure, Image Matters LLC

Daniel Kruimel, Woolpert

John Niles, Accenture

Revolutionizing AEC with Radiance Fields and Scan-to-BIM for Enhanced Digital Workflows

Michael Rubloff, Radiance Fields

John Sayre, Autodesk

DFW Airport Real-Time Terminal Operations

Kelly Watt, Sr. Digital Twin Consultant - Dallas Fort Worth International Airport


RCN Podcast at Geo Week

Come for the presentations. Stay for the conversations.

That’s the Geo Week + RCN Podcast workflow, in all its community-oriented glory. Join host Matthew Byrd in the energy of RCN’s booth for a spirited conversation about your industry, discoveries, predictions, challenges, and of course, technology galore.

Pioneers from myriad industries will be featured, so if you’ve got something to share, we’ve got the platform.


Geo Week & RCN: A Partnership Gold Standard

Geo Week, the intersection of geospatial and the built world. RCN, the intersection of people and technology.

It’s a collaboration that epitomizes “can’t miss.” So, should you miss these events - a Super Bowl spectacle, an underground innovation happy hour, a podcast pit stop, and RCN Track Sessions - you’re watching innovation from the sidelines.

See you in Denver!


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