September 17, 2024

Around the 3D Technology Industry: Scan-to-BIM, 3D Scanning, Digital Twins

A look at recent stories from around the internet covering the latest news and stories from across the 3D technology industry.
Team of Engineers and Professionals Workers in Heavy Industry Manufacturing Factory that is Visualized with Graphics into Digital Twin of Industry 4.0 High Tech

Every week, we highlight stories from friends around the internet that put a spotlight on the latest in the 3D technology industry. These stories can take many different forms, whether they be about a new innovation or workflow, an interesting and/or unique use case for 3D technology, or a higher level look at the state of the sector. Today, we look at the connection between scan-to-BIM and digital twins, how 3D scanning is being used in auto racing, and some of the barriers to digital twin adoption.

Find links to the full stories below.

Scan to BIM: Prelude to Creating Digital Twins

David Black | Facilities Net

This article combines two of the most exciting new(ish) developments in the 3D and AEC ecosystems with scan-to-BIM and digital twins. Black outlines how scan-to-BIM has grown in recent years, and how that is now starting to serve as a base for digital twins, which is also growing in adoption. He covers what each of these are and the advantages they present as individual assets, how they can be combined, and what the future looks like for these workflows.

Read the full article here >>

The Impact of 3D Scanners on NASCAR Stock Car Racing


We don’t necessarily put together 3D scanning and NASCAR stock car racing as two sectors that are naturally connected, but this article outlines how this technology is being used in that space. They explain how strict the regulations for these races are and how important it is for teams to ensure their cars meet those standards and are able to participate in racers. 3D scanners are able to provide the accurate detail needed to easily comply with these regulations.

Read the full article here >>

Digital Twins Keep Multiplying, But Can Be Complicated

Joe McKendrick | Forbes

We all know how valuable digital twins can be for many industries, particularly for those who operate large facilities like factories or warehouses. These “living” digital models provide crucial real-time information which owners and operators can use to make crucial decisions. Because of this, many executives are saying they plan to implement digital twins for their businesses at some point in the future. Unfortunately, as this article outlines, there are some initial barriers that need to be crossed first before true adoption and ROI.

Read the full article here >>

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