User Perspectives: How Photogrammetry Software Can Provide Extreme ROI
On-demand Webinar | Free
Surveyors are realizing bottom-line ROI with the right photogrammetric software. This webinar will feature 2 customers of 3Dsurvey which is based out of Slovenia. They’ll describe different industry applications, their accuracy requirements for various projects, budget considerations, project delivery timelines – and why they’ve selected 3Dsurvey to help them meet these needs. We’ll discuss when it’s best suited and when it’s not, as no solution can meet all needs. But will it help you meet your own budget, project delivery, integration, data sharing and other challenges? We’ll provide an interactive Q&A format to help you make this determination.
Marko Mesaric | Leon Malan | Farrah Etcheverry |
Linda McLaughlin,
Conference Program Manager,
Commercial UAV News