Observations and Oddities in the Reality Capture Industry
On-demand Webinar | Free
The reality capture industry is in some ways an established space, having been around in some form for multiple decades and with major companies dedicating entire divisions to the sector. In other ways, however, it’s still an emerging space, one that is ripe for standardization and broad agreements between players.
Join us for this interactive session with insiders from a variety of backgrounds within reality capture talk not only about the structural barriers currently in place within the industry but also the ways those inside the industry can come together to help the space grow to its full potential. Our panel of industry experts will highlight issues affecting all users and discuss the unforeseen implications of errant choices and false marketing through personal stories and witnessed events of both success and tragedy.
Register today to hear about how standardization in the industry can lift all boats, so to speak, and what steps this group is hoping to take to help the entire sector continue its growth.
Chris Kercheval
Founder & CEO, TopKerv Consulting
Mack Kowalski
Co-founder, LiDAholics Consulting L.L.C & K&K Laser Scanning
Matt Collins
Content Specialist, Geo Week News