
Location Intelligence Has Changed – Are You Keeping Up?

On-demand Webinar | Free

Look ten years back and you’ll find that working with location data required specialized tools, advanced systems, and expert users. All business-critical insights – from emerging trends to your customers’ preferences - would stay within specialized departments, preventing businesses from using location intelligence more effectively.

Luckily, location intelligence is not rocket science anymore! Spatial analytics tools are much more accessible and widely used, so their business value is becoming clear and location data is quickly growing into a fundamental operational resource.

Gaining property insights, assessing risks, planning your real estate portfolio, and finding the right customers for your goods and services is now easier than ever.

The truth is – you simply can’t afford to stay in the dark: all research suggests your competitors are already making location data work for them.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • Why location data is booming – and why now is the perfect time for your business to become more location-driven.
  • How your internal and external stakeholders can consume spatial insights within existing business applications - regardless of their skill level and prior training.
  • Real examples of users and organizations gaining value from location-based insights

If you are a geospatial expert, business executive, or simply a user of location-based applications - this is a session you cannot afford to miss. Join the webinar to learn how to make location data work for your business and get your questions answered!


Ruslan Sultanov
Product Marketing Manager, Precisely