February 15, 2023

Three Innovative Solutions Selected in “Pitch the Press” at Geo Week 2023

Nader Elm, CEO, Exyn Technologies

At Geo Week, the premier event that champions the coming together of geospatial technologies and the built world, three innovative solutions were chosen as the winners of the Pitch the Press event. The latest products from Oxford Technical Solutions (OxTS), LidarSwiss Solutions, and Exyn Technologies were chosen from 16 presentations that were pitched rapid-fire to a panel of high-profile press representatives at Geo Week. These solutions represent the cutting edge in autonomous UAV technology, lidar georeferencing and boresight calibration, and real-time UAV lidar processing. 

OxTS introduced their OxTS Georeferencer tool, a game-changing lidar georeferencing tool simplifying incredibly complex technology to a truly impressive level. This software tool enables surveyors to quickly and effectively boresight their payload, and georeference their lidar sensor data, allowing professionals to produce accurate point clouds in just minutes. Judges were particularly blown away by how simple this “absolutely essential” process has been made, with the presentation indicating that just a quick tutorial video and a simple click of a button produces the results a surveyor is seeking. 

UAV lidar specialist LidarSwiss Solutions presented their ground-breaking Lidar Synchronous Acquisition & Processing (LSAP) tool. With this solution, UAV pilots are able to acquire their RGB lidar data in real-time, ensuring that they get the data they need before leaving a site. Judges were impressed by the first-of-its-kind technology, returning accurate positioning data within the drone to allow for quality control to be done immediately after the end of a flight. 

Exyn Technologies presented their new ExynAero EA6 airframe for autonomous UAV flights. This new airframe integrates Exyn’s best-in-class ExynAI technology with the Osprey airframe from Easy Aerial. In their presentation they noted that they have reached level four autonomy with their ExynAI technology, producing the highest level of autonomy we’ve seen to date. Used primarily in mining right now, Exyn indicates a desire in their new partnership with Easy Aerial to expand their platform into more use cases utilizing this high level of autonomy.  

The judges also wanted to recognize Aurivus GmbH as an honorable mention in this competition for their presentation on their Scan-to-BIM AI tool. The panel was impressed with the return on investment that was demonstrated, improving productivity by as much as 50 percent. 

Pitch the Press is a unique opportunity for exhibitors to present their products to a group of editors and reporters looking for the most unique new technologies on display at Geo Week. Sixteen exhibiting companies opted to share their new product or service during the one-hour event. Each exhibitor gave a 2-minute brief to members of the media, followed by a one-minute Q&A. 

“The display of technology at Geo Week is more diverse and advanced than it’s ever been, highlighting an incredible evolution that impacts countless industries,” said Jeremiah Karpowicz, Editorial Director at Diversified Communications.  

“While our winners represent this evolution on multiple levels, what stuck out to our judges was how each of them can measurably change processes and expectations for users of all types.”  

Pitch the Press provides attendees a sense of what products can be further explored on the Geo Week exhibit floor, which contains more than 190 exhibitors from around the world. Understanding the opportunities that companies like OxTS, LidarSwiss Solutions, and Exyn Technologies are creating is just the beginning of where and how their respective industries will advance. 

The “Pitch the Press” judging panel included Gavin Schrock, geospatial technology writer, Ananyaa Narain, Vice President, Commercial Project Team, Geospatial World Consulting, Dawn Zoldi, Founder and CEO of P3 Tech Consulting LLC, and Matt Collins, Content Specialist, Geo Week News. 

About Geo Week     

Geo Week is part of a network of events and media for the global geospatial and built markets organized by Diversified Communications, a leading organizer of conferences, trade shows, and online media with 16 years in the technology arena. Geo Week, taking place February 13-15, 2023, reflects the increased integration between the built environment, advanced airborne/terrestrial technologies, and commercial 3D technologies. Event partners include ASPRS (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Annual Conference, ISPRS, MAPPS, USIBD (U.S. Institute of Building Documentation), and WGIC (World Geospatial Industry Council).     

Diversified Communications also produces Lidar & Geospatial Newsletter, 3D Technology Newsletter, AEC Innovations Newsletter, Geo Business Show (UK), Digital Construction Week (UK), Commercial UAV Expo and Commercial UAV News. For more information, visit www.geo-week.com.   

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