September 13, 2012

More Keynotes Announced for SPAR Europe 2012

Dow Chemicals’ Marc de Bruyne and university Professor Luc van Gool to deliver keynotes at conference on end-to-end 3D

September 13, 2012 (Portland, Maine, USA) – SPAR 3D announced two new keynotes for SPAR Europe 2012.  Marc de Bruyne, 3D Design Improvement Leader for Dow Chemicals Benelux, will address what can seem like a daunting number of options when it comes to technology in “Too Much Technology? How to Select, Manage, and Not Become Locked In.” Dr. Luc Van Gool, Professor in the Departments of Electrical Engineering at the University of Leuven and ETH Zurich, will describe how large-scale 3D data can be extracted from images during his address “Image-Based 3D City Modeling: Mobile Mapping as Moving Target.” SPAR Europe Conference on End-to-End 3D takes place 12-14 November 2012 at the World Forum in The Hague, The Netherlands.

In his keynote, Marc de Bruyne will outline methodologies for selecting tools that meet the needs of an organization and its users.  He’ll shed light on the daily challenges of implementation and acceptance of new technologies through a case study on human interaction with mediated reality. “Marc’s keynote will tackle the common challenge of making decisions about technology in the face of an overwhelming number of options,” said Lisa Murray, SPAR 3D Director. “His own lifetime immersion in technology makes him the ideal candidate to share his experience.”

Luc Van Gool’s keynote delves into 3D data generated from images, and how these very images are also key to the semantically structured manipulation, compression, encoding, and visualization of data sets. “Applications for this type of data hold great promise for cultural heritage, such as bringing to life ancient cities like Old Rome or Pompeii,” said Ms. Murray. She added there is also opportunity in aerial imagery, specifically enabling UAVs to fly safely among other aircraft.

Mr. De Bruyne and Mr. Van Gool join Professor Marc Pollefeys of ETH Zurich as SPAR Europe’s 2012 keynoters. “We’re excited to have these esteemed professionals sharing their work and expertise with SPAR Europe’s audience of 3D professionals,” said Ms. Murray. “The keynotes combine far-reaching, cutting-edge research to give us a view into the future of what’s coming and real-world strategies for managing technology challenges that exist today.” More information about the keynotes can be found here. Ms. Murray added that there are 35 confirmed presenters in SPAR Europe’s conference program. Tracks are Industrial Facilities, Civil Transportation, Forensic & Security Planning, Building & Architecture, New Technologies and Digital Cultural Preservation.

About SPAR Europe  

SPAR Europe Conference on End-to-End 3D brings together professionals from throughout Europe and beyond to discover the latest advances and technologies in 3D data capture, processing and delivery.  SPAR Europe targets asset owners, engineers, technology developers and university researchers to present and discuss the latest tools and techniques for using 3D technologies to drive efficiency, improve workflows, reduce project timelines, improve safety and mitigate risk. Fiatech, a consortium of large capital assets owners, will be holding a meeting 12 November 2012 in conjunction with SPAR Europe. For more information and to register, visit

About SPAR 3D

SPAR 3D organizes conferences and provides news and information for professionals involved in 3D imaging technologies. Content– delivered in-person and online– gives practitioners tools and information to make better business decisions. SPAR 3D is wholly-owned by Diversified Business Communications. For more information, visit and  

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