May 7, 2024

Around the 3D Technology Industry: Underground Mapping, Alcatraz, Digital Twins

Today we look at stories covering GPR for underground mapping, a project at Alcatraz, and digital twins for manufacturing.

While not exactly a grizzled veteran covering this industry now, it has been roughly two years that I’ve been on the beat covering, among other things, the way 3D technology is being used and is developing. Even with that time under my belt, it never ceases to amaze me to see the different projects people are completing and tools being developed by the brightest minds in the industry. Talking to people who have been around this space for significantly longer than me, that feeling permeates throughout these conversations as people are constantly amazed at the constant iteration in use cases and capabilities.

Today, we’re looking at some stories around the industry which embody this, with some new developments in 3D mapping, reality capture, and digital twins. First up, we have an article from Hexagon highlighting the growing space of 3D mapping for the underground, and specifically workflows utilizing ground-penetrating radar (GPR). After that, we have a long read on a fascinating project in which surveyors created an accurate and comprehensive 3D map of Alcatraz. Finally, we head to the manufacturing sector with a look at how 3D digital twins are transforming that space. Find the full articles below.

Image via Hexagon

Grow with Multichannel GPR for Underground 3D Mapping

Renata Barradas Gutierrez | Hexagon

Towards the end of last year we looked at some trends we’re anticipating will help define the geospatial, 3D, and AEC industries in 2024, and among them was an increasing focus on underground mapping. Our understanding of subterranean assets can often be limited, to put it mildly, but technological advancements have made that task significantly simpler in recent years. GPR is a big part of that, and this is the focus of this article. Gutierrez highlights Hexagon’s offerings in this space, as well as some use cases for GPR in general and case studies showing how the workflows manifest in the real world.

Read the full article here >>

Image via xyHt

Saving Alcatraz (Digitally)

Juan Plaza | xyHt

Next up we have a long feature about a group of surveyors completing a 3D mapping project in one of the most intriguing locations in the United States: Alcatraz. Once a prison that housed some of the most infamous criminals in the country, including Al Capone, the island is now a national park, and Pete Kelsey, one of the surveyors on the project, notes in the article that there are concerns about climate change eroding the small island. Because of that, they wanted to accurately document the entire island and former prison. Plaza speaks to the team and relays the ins and outs of the project.

Read the full article here >>

Image via MRO

How 3D digital twins are ushering in a new era of manufacturing

Emily Newton | MRO

Digital twins, particularly for manufacturing operations, are something that we’ve also covered extensively in this space. For a long time, this was more of a buzzword than anything that was actually being put into practice, but as data collection becomes more accessible for more than simply the very top of the market, actual implementation has been trending upwards in recent years. This article looks at some of the benefits added by the technology with a specific focus for those who are trying to implement them in their organization.

Read the full article here >>

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