July 8, 2024

Around the AEC Industry: BIM, Interoperability, Fleet Connectivity

A look at stories covering the latest in AEC innovations from friends around the industry.

Something that we’ve mentioned quite a bit over the last few months when talking about innovation in the AEC industry is that the sector seems to be in the midst of a new era. After years of lagging in technological adoption, the industry is embracing many new tools, to the point that one of the biggest challenges for firms is that there are too many disparate tools. Now, we’re seeing the next stage in technological development. That’s the focus of today’s look at stories around the industry, with stories around the development of BIM in 2024, the story behind a big agreement between industry leaders, and the benefits of fleet connectivity.

Find links to the full stories below.

State of BIM in 2024

Connected World

For many in the AEC industry, BIM was their first foray into the “new age” of technology for the sector. It’s taken quite some time for it to become ubiquitous across firms, but today it’s commonplace on many projects even if there are still some who don’t utilize the tool. In fact, it’s even being codified in some places that public projects must include BIM in their proposal. This article from Connected World looks at the development of BIM over the last couple of decades, why it’s so important, how it’s changed, and what we can expect in the future.

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Building Better Together: Nemetschek and Autodesk’s Interoperability Agreement

Marc Nezet | Nemetschek Group

Back in April, we covered big news from the AEC industry when it was announced that two of the biggest companies in the space – Autodesk and the Nemetschek Group – would be entering into a new partnership. At the time, they said the agreement would “enhance existing interoperability between the two companies’ industry cloud and desktop products and improve the fluent exchange of information across solutions.” This is an agreement that has the potential to significantly alter how work was done in this industry, and this article from the Nemetschek Group’s Chief Strategy Officer explains why they were so excited about entering this agreement.

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Why Fleet Connectivity is Key for Profitability

Yagil Tzur | For Construction Pros

When the general population thinks about technology for the construction industry, they are not generally thinking about what’s really transforming the industry today with things like BIM and some advanced project management tools. They’re thinking about interconnected, probably autonomous equipment. We’re not quite to that point yet, but it’s also no longer in the very distant future. This article looks at the early todays of connected fleets, and why firms that are able to take advantage of these capabilities can see increases in their productivity.

Read the full article here >>

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