August 30, 2024

Around the AEC Industry: BIM, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins

A look at some recent articles from around the internet highlighting the latest news and coverage from around the AEC technology space.

Although the AEC industry is one of the oldest on Earth, really dating back to when humans started living in non-natural structures, it is still evolving with the rest of society. The last couple of decades in particular have been periods of extreme change in the industry as they’ve looked to address inefficiencies that had plagued the sector for decades. At Geo Week News, we cover many of the advancements bringing this industry forward, and today we have another edition of looking at stories exemplifying this phenomenon from other sources around the internet. This time, we highlight stories around BIM success, what AI is adding to the industry, and how digital twins are improving efficiencies.

Find links to the full articles below.

What Can We Learn from a Leading BIM Country?

Aarni Heiskanen | AEC Business

When we talk about new construction making its way into the AEC industry, BIM is frequently among those brought up as one of the kickstarters to this era. BIM has been around for a couple of decades at this point, but the adoption of this tool across sub-industries, localities, and other demographics varies wildly. In this article, Heiskanen highlights the use of BIM in Finland, which is one nation that has spearheaded the usage of BIM in the industry. He looks at what they are using BIM for, what it’s added to their workflows, and what other countries may be able to learn from them.

Read the full article here >>

Enhancing future building projects: The transformative impact of AI on AEC industries

Glenn Ebersole | Lehigh Valley Business

Artificial intelligence is exploding across many different industries over the last couple of years thanks in large part to a massive amount of enthusiasm around generative AI. Both generative AI and other forms of AI and machine learning are being leveraged in a number of different ways to improve efficiency and close production gaps. For the construction industry, there hasn’t been total buy-in yet for a variety of reasons, but we are starting to see the impacts. In this article, Ebersole look at how AI is already making a positive impact for early adopters in AEC.

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Digital twins: Transforming operations for greater efficiency

Dan Kolimar | Building Design & Construction

Speaking of AI, one of the tools in the AEC industry that can most benefit from this boom around AI is digital twins. Given the vast amounts of data pouring into these systems, having a way to automatically parse the information and give crucial insights is a must to get full value from the technology. One of the ways building operators are deriving this value from digital twins is to vastly improve building efficiency. This is a key problem everyone in this space is looking to solve, and this article highlights how digital twins are getting us closer to that moment.

Read the full article here >>

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