September 16, 2024

Around the AEC Industry: Artificial Intelligence, Software, Collaboration

A look at some recent articles from around the internet highlighting the latest news and coverage from around the AEC technology space.
Technology Manufacturing Industrial Machinery Control System Artificial Intelligence

Although the AEC industry is one of the oldest on Earth, really dating back to when humans started living in non-natural structures, it is still evolving with the rest of society. The last couple of decades in particular have been periods of extreme change in the industry as they’ve looked to address inefficiencies that had plagued the sector for decades. At Geo Week News, we cover many of the advancements bringing this industry forward, and today we have another edition of looking at stories exemplifying this phenomenon from other sources around the internet. This time, we highlight stories around AI’s place in AEC, the state of software in the industry, and modern collaboration strategies.

Find links to the full articles below.

AI is hard (to do well)

Keir Regan-Alexander | AEC Magazine

Artificial intelligence, and generative AI in particular, is all of the buzz across basically any industry you can think of. As this article points out, conversations generally take one of two extreme points of view: AI is the solution to everything, or it is a disaster for humanity. As is generally the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle, but where exactly? This article focuses specifically on the AEC industry, and looks at the challenges of implementing generative AI in a meaningful way, but the value that can be presented when it is done right.

Read the full article here >>

The State of Construction Software

Laura Black | Connected World

When we think about technology emerging throughout the construction industry, the focus is generally around hardware. Be it heavy machinery using new precision and even autonomous tools, digital layout tools, or even laser scanning for reality capture workflows, it’s the hardware that often captures our imagination. If you ask those in the industry, though, it’s the software that is really streamlining operations and addressing long-time efficiency issues. In this article, Black looks at the current state of software for the industry and trends to watch in that space.

Read the full article here >>

Construction Collaboration Today: Making File Sharing Work for You

Aarni Heiskanen | AEC Business

Another thing you will often hear when talking to those in the AEC industry is that improved collaboration is the key to really maximize efficiency and ROI for projects. Construction projects are extremely complex with a number of stakeholders coming from different perspectives and backgrounds. It’s vital for everyone to easily work with the same data, and file sharing is increasingly important for these projects. In this article, Heiskanen outlines the current state of digital file sharing in the industry.

Read the full article here >>

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