July 2, 2024

Around the 3D Technology Industry: Lifecycle Monitoring, Naval Ships, Digital Twins

A look at recent stories highlighting the latest in the 3D technology industry.

We generally think of the broader “reality capture” space, be it laser scanning, photogrammetry, or a combination of the two, in the context of the built environment. The value these tools can bring to work like construction projects or utility inspection has proven extremely valuable. However, recent years have made the technology accessible to other industries, allowing them to capitalize on the capabilities. This is one of the main focuses of our weekly look around the 3D technology industry, with stories focusing on reality capture’s use on buildings as well as on naval bases, along with a story involving two of the biggest buzzwords in the industry right now.

Find links to the full stories below.

Monitoring Buildings over Time with Continuous Digital Scanning

Lidar News

We start off with a fairly traditional use of laser scanning technology, but an area for which advancements in technology have made the workflows more powerful. This article highlights the use of recurring laser scanning to monitor a building throughout their lifecycle. Often, we focus on the construction of a building, or the early parts of a renovation, but once the job is done so is our interest. This article takes a different view, explaining why continued scanning is important throughout the building’s lifecycle.

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Naval Innovation: 3D scanning revolutionizes ship repair and manufacturing

The Lookout

In many ways there are parallels between the marine and AEC industries, as relatively old sectors that have reputations for not wanting to change their workflows to welcome new technologies. As it turns out, some of the same solutions can help both sides as well. This article highlights work being done by the Royal Canadian Navy, and specifically Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton (FMFCB). The latter is utilizing 3D scanning to transform the way they repair and manufacture their vessels.

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AI Takes Digital Twins From 3D To 4D

Christine Boles | Forbes

Finally, as mentioned above, we move to two of the biggest technological buzzwords today: AI and digital twins. While there is certainly some overpromise in instances around each of these terms, they also have proven value and complement each other perfectly. This article dives into some of the ways this is true, particularly with respect to the “true” definition of a digital twin which involves massive amounts of data coming in in real-time, or at least something close to it.

Read the full article here >>

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